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Looking for a yummy twist on cookies and milk? Here is what I created for my daughter’s girl guide group! It was super easy and a massive hit among the girls.
I began by grabbing some pre-made cookie dough. This way, I was sure that it was nut free for all the girls. This process was a labour of love. The first tray was a bit big for my liking, so after a few trials I found that a ball slightly smaller than a quarter made the perfect sized cookie.
Now, place the cookies in the oven. Because mine were pre-made, the directions may differ depending on the cookie you chose.
As soon as the cookies are out of the oven, take a knife and make a notch about 1/3 of the way into the cookie. This can be easily done by holding the knife to the centre of the cookie and wiggling it back and forth. If you make the notch too big, I have a hack coming for you below.
Putting the cups together
Once all the morsels of love are made, it’s time to rim the cups. The cups I used were from Party City but here is a link to some that are similar on Amazon. Start by grabbing some pre-made icing and a shallow dish. Add some sprinkles of choice in the shallow dish, there are so many fun combonations of sprinkles out there, here’s a link to one of go to combo’s! First dip the cup into the icing, then into the sprinkles. Set these aside.

Pudding Prep
I chose vanilla for this one as it most closely resembles milk, but feel free to chose any other pudding flavours or the simplicity of food dye. (Think chocolate or strawberry milk – yum!)

Before the pudding sets and is still a bit runny, divide it into each cup. I filled my cups until about 1/4 from the top. Now, you can put the cups into the fridge to set. This should be about 10-15 minutes. Once they are all set you can take your cooled cookie and place it around the rim of the cup. Now for my hack! If you made the cookie divide too big, you can add some extra icing on the edge before sliding the cookie into it. This way, it’ll be more secure.
Finish it off with a cute little spoon and TaDa! A fun, non-spilly cookies and milk treat.